What I need to know
What do I need to know to better care for my elderly parents?
Europe 's population is aging. Our country, together with Italy and Germany, hold the first places with a percentage of elderly 21% of the general population.
Our country, therefore, has 2,100,000 elderly people over 65 years and it is estimated that in 2050 they will be 1/3 of the population.
Survival expectancy increases.
We live more years.
The goal is to live healthy and active.
It is wrong not to focus on caring for the elderly because they are "grandparents"
Remember: 1/3 of our life starts after 65The year of our age.
The main problem for the elderly is isolation. Social isolation.
Today, communication is easier, more accessible, thanks to technological advances, mobile phones, computers, video chat applications such as skype, Viber, face time, which helped but failed to overcome the problem and isolation continues to exist. Lack of time for older children, urban planning, television and the modern way of life in general are some of the causes.
The main problem for the younger ones who supervise and take care of the elderly parents is their lack of information, lack of awareness and education on issues related to the prevention of the health of their loved ones.
The balance of health of the elderly is fragile and easily disturbed. Their reaction to any kind of stress is as well reduced and different in relation to adults.
After an intense stress, such as an infection or a surgery, it is difficult and time consuming to return to the previous organic state.
But also the expression of the diseases, the symptoms, that is, in the elderly are different. An infection may not cause a fever but only anxiety and agitation. Heart disease may have no symptoms, but only anorexia or diffuse malaise.
Many diseases, when coexisting (comorbidity) or polypharmacy, easily disorganize the elderly in a short time and often without obvious symptoms.
The management of the elderly therefore has many peculiarities which are worth knowing. The elderly are vulnerable and we must protect them.
Geriatric syndromes are conditions, not diseases, that cause a decrease in functional capacity such as decreased walking speed, high risk of falling due to balance disorders, decreased physical activity, weight loss, easy fatigue, decreased mental functions, dyskinesia, of vision, incontinence, depression.
Can proper care increase their life expectancy?
Of course, with the right care, on the one hand they will live longer and on the other hand they will be healthier and more active.
Aging is a natural process and requires prevention and support of the physical and psychosocial health of the elderly with a holistic approach by a team of health scientists to improve functional status and maintain quality of life and autonomy for an active aging.
The scientific team consists of a doctor who deals with the elderly, a physiatrist, a nurse, a nutritionist, a psychologist, a physiotherapist, an occupational therapist, a speech therapist, in order to address the problems and needs of the elderly.
Here are some suggestions on how to look or get an appointment for antique items for your elderly parents.
This is useful knowledge and tips that are worth knowing.
Do not forget, "the elderly need affection and care"