
Robotic systems

In recent years, innovative equipment products and rehabilitation techniques have been developed for patients suffering from stroke, craniocerebral injury, multiple sclerosis and other neurological diseases affecting the upper extremity. In the Hyacinth Rehabilitation Center We use these advanced techniques and with the help of robotic rehabilitation technology, we achieve faster recovery and much higher levels of independence for the patient. 

Robotic systems: technology in the service of recovery

Robotic systems are innovative therapies with state-of-the-art technology and are essential tools for fast and dynamic recovery. The specialized neuro-rehabilitation equipment enables us to mobilize specific areas of the brain and to train the functional movements of the hand with many repetitions and the maximum possible accuracy. In this way the mechanisms of neuroplasticity of the brain are mobilized, contributing to its functional reorganization.

The upper limb robotic system is a highly innovative and efficient method for retraining hand movements. It is applied in all stages of rehabilitation, both in the chronic and in the early phase in which its use is crucial for the progress of treatment. It offers a complete gradation in patient participation from passive movement to resistance movements. The ability to achieve hundreds of repetitions - a combination of functional movements with precision - in a short time - makes the robotic system ideal for upper extremity rehabilitation, achieving 500 - 600 repetitions per hour, compared to 30 - 40 repetitions of conventional therapy.

THE neuro-rehabilitation with robotic systems is not only effective but also completely safe method that allows us to modify parameters and create personalized programs for each patient, depending on his particularities and needs, as the performance and the evolution of the improvement of movements are recorded. via computer. 

The advantages of the method are many and important. Briefly the use of robotic systems:

    • Reduces recovery time
    • Maintains precision in movement, a key element of restoration
    • Achieves hundreds of repetitive moves in a short time
    • Reduces hemiplegic upper extremity pain
    • Reduces spasticity 
    • Personalized program tailored to the needs of each patient
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Nerve - rehabilitation

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Robotic Systems

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Acute and Chronic Pain Clinic

εικόνα μεθόδου

Headache Trigger points Therapy

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Backache Decompression Therapy

"Due to severe pain in the waist, I could not walk. "After only three treatments of intramuscular irritation, the pain completely subsided."

Δ.Μ. Intramuscular Stimulation - Intramuscular Stimulation

"After acute low back pain I could not walk because of the pain. After only 10 Decompression treatments I was able to return to work "

S.A. Backache - Decompression Therapy

"I was moved by the staff's love for patients and their work."

Τ.Γ. Brain paralysis

"Although I had a serious complication from the operation I underwent (total hip arthroplasty) today I can walk without pain"

B.M. Postoperative rehabilitation

"My wife has Alzheimer's and had surgery on her left hip after a fall. Despite the difficult situation today, he can and does walk home with my help "

Χ.Σ. (patient relative) Postoperative rehabilitation